Cross Cutting Theme

Crosscutting themes within the GCFSI includes Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) and Gender.

ICT4D aims to address the food system challenges through the innovative use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Expansion of the ICTs in the past decades has enabled scientists and extension workers to communicate with the farmers and target groups more effectively than ever before. Different forms of ICTs, such as audio, visual, cellular and computer networks can provide timely information to farmers and traders which they can use to make production and marketing decisions. These technologies can also be used to deliver education and training programs so as to narrow the knowledge and skill gaps.

Access to and Use of ICTs in Agriculture

The Gender theme within the GCFSI aims to promote gender equity while formulating innovative solutions to food systems challenges. In the developing countries, women shoulder multiple responsibilities, which restrict their participation in decision making, skill development, and income generation activities. GCFSI recognizes the pivotal role women may play in ensuring food security and improving nutrient status and encourages women participation in the development and innovation activities through the promotion of the gender-responsive programs.

Access to Gender