HYPOTHESIS VERIFICATION system is designed to enable users to combine geo-spatial datasets to reveal the spatial patterns that are not clearly visible through simple charts.
AFRICA CROP PRODUCTION LEVEL allows users to explore the current production level of 19 crops in the region and project the future production level.
Access to Africa Crop Production LevelAGRICULTURAL STORAGE MARKET OPPORTUNITIES- AFRICA allows users to explore the current and future storage needs, thereby providing information on the storage facilities required for the future production levels.
Access to Agricultural Storage Market Opportunities – AfricaAGRICULTURAL STORAGE MARKET OPPORTUNITIES- MALAWI allows users to explore current and future storage needs for different crops as well as find small/medium enterprises in each district.
Access to Agricultural Storage Market Opportunities – MalawiGLOBAL MARKET TRAVEL TIME CALCULATOR can be used to explore market accessibility, a crucial component in agricultural intensification.
Access to Global Market Travel Time CalculatorMAP ALGEBRA allows users to perform spatial calculations over areas of interest by building their own expressions.
Access to Map AlgebraSURFACE INTERPOLATION allows users to create continuous surfaces from discrete point data.
Access to Surface Interpolation